Personal Coaching
Through following our coaching process (see introduction to coaching service) it's easy for you to start taking the steps towards creating a business, career and / or lifestyle that inspires you.
A number of options are available:
'Building Trust' coaching using the 7 Truths About Trust (understanding what part 'trust' plays and how to build this into our relationship with self, others and business)
Success & You’™ coaching system incorporates 12 modules (over a 6 months) designed to help you map a path for and educate you about the impact of your environment (personal values & beliefs), defining purpose, goal setting, attitude, relationships, being 'present', responsibility, the 'real you' (what motivates and inspires you), reviewing and celebrating how far you've come, while nurturing creativity and having fun.
‘Personal Leadership’ coaching allows your to focus specifically on one or two areas that need immediate massive action in order to gain the results they are looking for. It incorporates the essential basics of personal leadership (leading myself in well first before I can lead others well) and allows your coach to draw on their broader knowledge and experience of personal leadership to develop specific characteristics and strategies to ‘fast track’ your success.
‘Emotional Pattern Clearing’ allows you to identify and ‘unhook’ emotional barriers that have been preventing you from achieving success in specific areas of your life (1-3 sessions and usually in conjuction with one of the above programs). It could be lack of self confidence, self-sabotage, being ‘reactive’ rather than ‘responsive’ or perhaps hanging onto an old belief system that no longer serves you.
Who would benefit?
· People looking to improve their work / life balance
· Professionals looking to enhance their leadership skills, career, or business prospects
· People returning to work or looking to make career or lifestyle changes
· People adjusting to a major professional or personal change
· People who are ready to create a more constructive belief system, empowering them to achieve their goals
Please contact us for more information